Day 54: Beto O’Rourke

Welcome to Day 54 of "90 Days with Ana Marie Cox."

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Beto O'Rourke returns to talk about the big debate, Trump rage, turning Texas blue, Taylor Swift’s endorsement, celebrity mojo and getting the “youngs” to vote.

About the Host

Ana Marie Cox is a political columnist for The New Republic and a culture critic whose writing has appeared in Texas Monthly, Sports Illustrated, the New York Times, and Through 2022, she wrote a “Sober Questioning” column at The Cut. She hosts the science fiction and political science podcast Space the Nation with Dan Drezner (created to fill the hole in their hearts when The Churn was canceled). She’s a regular on the Stephen King podcast The Losers Club (a favorite episode is this one on recovery themes in King’s work). Her memoir, “Just Like Your Mother” — a reported account of addiction, recovery, and intergenerational trauma — will be published by Random House.


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Host: Ana Marie Cox

Executive Producer: Beau Friedlander

Producer: Andrew Steven


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