Mary J. White Snags a Catfish Transcript

Mary Snags a Catfish

Beau Friedlander:

Adam, I Beau, Beau, Beau. Now that I’m out in the country, I am dying to go fishing. It’s true.

Adam Levin:

Is that what lured you to the country?

Beau Friedlander:

Oh God

Adam Levin:

Yes. Was that the hook?

Beau Friedlander:

Oh, well, no, but I do enjoy going fishing sometimes and I am really looking forward to it, but not the kind of fishing that has been hitting my mailbox lately.

Adam Levin:

Well, on a scale of one to 10, how would you rate your mailbox experience?

Beau Friedlander:

But wait a second. Did you say scale as in like fish scale? Did you just do that? I

Adam Levin:

Just did that.

Beau Friedlander:

Well wait, with bated breath. Oh, everything.

Adam Levin:

You’re so gullible sometimes.

Beau Friedlander:

Okay, now it’s getting bad because bated breath is with No, I and gullible was spelled wrong, but here’s the deal. I’ve been getting.

Adam Levin:

I’m ish now.

Beau Friedlander:

You’re not Finnish, you’re Jew. And me too. And I have to say that just to check in. I am getting fished a lot and it’s my fault.

Adam Levin:

What did you do,

Beau Friedlander:

Bo? I called up one of my fishing guys

Adam Levin:


Beau Friedlander:

Then I taunted him.

Adam Levin:

Taunted. How so?

Beau Friedlander:

I kind of let him think that maybe I was going to give him money when I wasn’t.

Adam Levin:

Oh, the old Seinfeld routine.

Beau Friedlander:

Yeah. Anyway.

Adam Levin:

Hi, there. I am Adam Levin, former director of the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs, founder of Cyber Scout, author of the book, swiped How to Protect Yourself in a World Filled with Scammers, fishers, and Identity Thieves.

Beau Friedlander:

And I’m Beau Freelander. I live in the woods, and sometimes I feel like I’m in the woods when it comes to things cyber. I’m Travis

Adam Levin:

Taylor, resident

Beau Friedlander:

Tech guide. So I understand that we are talking catfishing today.

Adam Levin:

We are. And it’s a big problem, a very big problem, and it hits an awful lot of people all over the world.

Beau Friedlander:

True story.

Adam Levin:

And sometimes people fall for very, very big catfishing scams. There was a story actually of a woman a couple of years ago who gave $2 million to a catfish. And when it was finally brought to her attention, she kept taking money out of her brokerage accounts and her money manager started to notice it and contacted her family and said, I’m worried about this. They investigated, they found out what it was, they presented it to her, and she still said, okay, I hear what you’re saying and I understand it, but in my heart, I still think he loves me.

Beau Friedlander:

Gosh, wait. And you said $2 million.

Adam Levin:

$2 million. So we’re welcoming to the show Mary. And Mary is a friend of our producer Tina, and she has now immediately become our friend Adam Bowen Travis. And she, she’s

Beau Friedlander:

Already my very best friend. I don’t know if she’s your friend, a

Adam Levin:

Former radio personality. Sounds like she still is a radio personality. Well, certainly. She’s got a huge personality. It’s filling up the studio. But before we get to Mary’s story, there’s something about Mary that we should talk about.

Mary J. White:

Someone had to say that.

Adam Levin:

So Mary, you live in Seattle,

Mary J. White:

Right? Yes,

Adam Levin:

Sir. And what do you do now that you’re not radioing?

Mary J. White:

Well, now that I’m not radioing and hardly anyone is anymore, when radio ended, I thought, self, it’s time to cook. I’ve always loved to cook, but at the same time, I had some physical problems. So anyway, long story short, I started learning how to cook with cannabis. So now I’m a cannabis chef. I’ve written two cookbooks. I have classes every week, and I teach people, it’s not just about getting high though, that’s a glorious side effect, but really a lot of people need to know how to get off their pills and how to get better and how to feel better and how to not be les. And cannabis is awesome for that. So that’s what I do. I teach people.

Beau Friedlander:

So weed can make you be not an

Mary J. White:

Yes. Because look at me though. I used to be so cranky and mean, and now I’m just chill.

Adam Levin:

So it’s like the advertising slogan should be, want to not be an

Mary J. White:

There you go. Yeah,

Adam Levin:

Get high on weed. It would

Mary J. White:

Work. Yeah, nevermind. But yeah, cannabis is, it’s really fun to teach people not only how to cook, but how to make themselves better, whether that’s physical or spiritually or however that works for them. It really helped me a lot. I got over my pain. Don’t take any pills anymore of any kind. So it’s been really cool. The challenge, of course, is with a lot of cannabis businesses, you can’t really advertise. You would like to, there’s a lot of restrictions, but I figure I’m doing the Lord’s work and it’s important. So that’s what’s happening.

Adam Levin:

Well, listen, you can’t get higher than the Lord, so therefore I understand you’re bringing yourself closer to God. I think that’s

Mary J. White:

A good, that’s right, baby. Real

Adam Levin:

Close. Now you have a pretty fascinating story, and it’s not uncommon we don’t hear about it a lot because the truth is, many people who are victimized in situations like this don’t want to talk about it. And it’s so important that people do talk about it because it’s very important for everyone to understand how dangerous it can be out there in terms of certain relationships. And that’s why we’re excited you could join us on the show. So why don’t you tell us a little bit about what happened?

Mary J. White:

Well, I have been single now for a beautiful, glorious, just lovely three years. And of course, a year and a half of that has been pandemic. So that’s been a little tough. But I’ve been dating anyway. I made people get tests. But what happened, and this has happened a couple of times to me because like I said, three years, right? So long story short, I’m on, what was it? I think it was Bumble. But I’ve been on a couple of sites, and these types of situations happen to everyone everywhere. And the setup is so classic. It’s set up to just get you, because us ladies, we got the emotions. So I’m checking out OK Cupid, and look at this guy and oh, look, he’s an attractive gentleman. So I read the info and Oh, look, he’s a retired doctor. Oh, okay. That’s nice. Oh, he’s a widower.

Oh, right. So right there, you get a little hook in your heart because oh, a widower. And then adult children looking for the next stage in life. I mean, just really well-written. And of course I go check him up on LinkedIn and oh, he’s got this beautiful profile. I mean everything. He was the head of cardiology at Boston, mass and dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. And then the background story, there’s always a background story. The background is he was born in Dubai, but his parents moved to Massachusetts when they were five, I mean, in this whole story. So you’re like, believe in it. And I’m like, well, he’s on LinkedIn, dah, dah, dah. We communicated for about a week, and interestingly enough, he’s very courtly, kind of almost old fashioned. So I’m like, oh, I better not say, okay, I’m being cool, being careful. But then after about a week of every morning, oh, good morning, beautiful.

How was your day so far? Right? And at night, I’m just checking in on you, my darling chicks love that, right? And he sent me another picture, him and his dog. Oh, that’s the other one. When they have a cute dog, be very careful. So all these little things are starting to, Ooh, my little heart, right? But then, oh, I’ve got to go to Dubai. I’m setting up a free clinic. I’m like, oh, wow, good work, doc. Yeah, I’ll talk to you in a couple of days. So I get a call from Dubai because the number was from there. So I answer, and it’s him. But he has a very strange voice. He sounds really young and kind of urban. I’m like, oh, that’s odd. And we didn’t talk very long. It was a bad connection. So then, oh, it was so lovely to talk to you, my darling Mary, and oh, but I’m having some problems here in Dubai. This is where it gets tricky, you guys. Okay? This is when you got to really get your antenna up because, oh, it’s turning out that customs is holding onto the MRI machine and the X-ray machine, and they need $15,000 to get them big ticket items. Wow. Yeah. This guy isn’t messing around and they need $15,000 to get it out of customs. I’m like, well, gee, that’s too bad. Sorry to hear it.

He goes, well, is there any way you could help us out? What, you’re a redactor and you have enough money to open up a free clinic, but you can’t get your stuff out of customs. So red flag, right? Red flag, I’ve been doing this long enough, I can call. I know Red flag. So I’m like, okay, I’m going to see how this plays out. So I told him, oh gee, I wish I could help, but I just don’t have the money and I’m not going to give you $15,000. I don’t even know you. Right? But I didn’t say that. Just like, sorry, can’t help. We continue every morning, every evening, these messages are just lovely. About another week. He’s like, oh, things are still stuck in customs. If you can even help us with five grand, because I’m really worried about the equipments. I went, wait a minute, equipments. So now his vernacular had changed. It was different. Sounded like, okay, now this is both. Now he just wants money. I’m going to see how far this goes. But the other part of me, the love starved part is going, oh man, this guy’s fake. This guy is a fake bull and he’s trying to steal my money.

Beau Friedlander:

So I got a question. I got a question before you keep going. So you were thinking at this point that he was for real, or you still wanted him to maybe be for real, or you were quite certain he was not for real?

Mary J. White:

Well, that’s a good question. I think after the first request for money, I was like, oh crap, he’s not real. But he still might be. Maybe there’s some weird situation.

Beau Friedlander:

So you’re in maybe

Mary J. White:

Though, with him right now. Yeah, but the second request for money, that was, no, this is wrong.

Beau Friedlander:

Alright, so now you’re in Noland. Now? Yeah. No, Landia, Noland, Noland. Yes. No landia, okay. Where we say no and we just say no, and then we scowl. So in Noia, I actually am from Noia, Bo from Noia, and I take great, great joy when I come upon someone, I want to say a hardy no to in stringing them along if I know they’re a scammer. Yes. So it sounds like you might’ve done that. What did you do? What did you do to this guy?

Mary J. White:

No, Beau, what I did was, oh gosh, I’m so sorry. So another couple of days, and he’s doing the romantic morning greeting, the romantic evening greeting. But I could tell things were getting shorter, right? So finally after about another week, it was almost three and a half weeks of this crap, finally, he goes, oh, okay. Things are okay. We got the equipments, but my assistant doesn’t have a passport. How did he get there in the first place? My assistant needs help buying his return plane ticket home. So if you could send three grand, that would really help. And that’s when I went, this is bullshit. You’re full of crap. Leave me alone, lose my number. And I immediately at that point, went on to, it was Bumble to say, Hey, look, ladies, this guy’s full of don’t. And he had taken his profile down already. So then I went immediately over to LinkedIn to report him. He was gone. So this is obviously, it felt like to me, two or three guys, and obviously younger, and this is their deal. But I’ll tell you, I put this on Facebook. I broadcast, and several women got in touch. This, apparently the widow, the widower is a big deal. And them working away on an oil rig or a different country, that’s a big deal.

Beau Friedlander:

That’s a big sign right there. Yeah.

Mary J. White:

But ladies, honestly, because I’m an older gal, and you get lonely as well as horny, but mostly you kind of want somebody around and you want to roll around naked and you want to be appreciated. And here’s this ostensibly doctor, educated da,

Beau Friedlander:

A doctor. I mean, no, who will know exactly how to roll around potentially exactly

Mary J. White:

Where all the buttons are.

Beau Friedlander:

I get it.

Adam Levin:

And then you’re back. And then if your back hurts after rolling around, maybe they can help you. Oh

Beau Friedlander:

My gosh. It’s one stop shopping. But you don’t need that because you have cannabis.

Mary J. White:

Indeed. Cookies. I’m blushing.

Beau Friedlander:

Oh, I love

Mary J. White:

The blushing guy. He’s so cute. Travis, are you ever Travis? Come on, buddy.

Beau Friedlander:

No, but I’m very British.

Mary J. White:

Well stick around baby. It’s okay.

Beau Friedlander:

Mary, Mary, the

Adam Levin:

Things Travis. Travis is a cyber doctor. Oh,

Mary J. White:

Doctor. He’s a hyper

Beau Friedlander:

Doctor. One of the things that happens with these cat fishers is that they will set up multiple accounts, and when they have a live wire, they dedicate that account to the live wire. And when it goes south, they delete it. So when you report them, you’re the only person they were working on on that account. Now there’s tons of accounts, and the stories may be very similar. They may be using the exact same story, but the images and the profile will be different. He may literally be waking up in the morning and typing, good morning, my darling to good morning, my darling. Good morning my darling. Good morning, my darling to like seven people. Good morning my darling. And then his partner’s like, did you just type equipments? Did you do

Mary J. White:

That? No, you did equipments.

Adam Levin:

He might be saying to someone, hello, my precious pussy cat.

Mary J. White:

Who knows, man.

Beau Friedlander:

So that’s part of what you ran into, right? But it’s the lure of saying just all the right things. And can I ask you a question? Certainly. Was this an attractive doctor? Oh, that’s

Mary J. White:

The thing. Of course. Yeah. I don’t go for no ugly doctors, but the picture, he’s, well, nice, gray beard, bald, very attractive. And then you know what these guys did? They’re smart. They sent pictures from Dubai and because the picture guy had a mask on, he looked, he had a bald head and a gray beard and a mask. So it looked like the same guy. And they sent pictures from, oh, here I am at the market. Here’s that weird wall with the divers coming down the side. I mean, three, four pictures from Dubai with this guy who looked like the guy. He wasn’t the guy. There was no guy.

Beau Friedlander:

It was Adam.

Mary J. White:

Yeah, it was

Beau Friedlander:

Adam. Adam.

Adam Levin:

Ashley received Adam, I’ve

Beau Friedlander:

Told you to stop doing this to people and you keep doing it. Damn

Adam Levin:

It, Adam. Actually, there was actually the now former president of Afghanistan, Adam.

Mary J. White:

Oh boy.

Adam Levin:

No, but see, now these are the teachable moments here for everyone. And one of the first things is that these folks come out of nowhere and then they build a profile, and then they come on really strong after one or two communications. It’s like, I want to marry you, or I want to have your baby, or the list goes on of what they want to do. There’s always drama

Mary J. White:

Involved. Yeah, there’s something in the way,

Adam Levin:

And there’s always a situation where they would love to communicate with you, but they can’t really do it because there’s a problem with their phone or their internet is an issue or something. That’s right. There’s always a reason why. And then they can’t meet. They lure you in, and then that’s when they ask, they throw the bait in front of you and then say, so this is what I need. And it could be something as little as a plane ticket all the way up to, I did a show many years ago with two women who were home healthcare providers, and it was a TV show, and they were in their fifties, and each one of them was successfully catfished by a different person to the tune of over $60,000.

Beau Friedlander:

They actually forked money over,

Adam Levin:

They forked over 60,000 each.

Mary J. White:

Oh my God. And their home health ladies,

Adam Levin:

I mean, they were home healthcare providers, home nursing. And of course, at this particular moment in our history, there’s a lot of people that are involved in home healthcare, and especially with the concerns over covid and the fact that people would like to stay out of nursing homes and rather be helped at home. So there are people on the prowl for all kinds of people, and they’re definitely looking for people who are more amenable to the heartfelt pitch.

Mary J. White:

And I hate to admit it, but a lot of us divorced, single, whatever, ladies of a certain age, I’m going to say over 50. You think you know what you want and you assume that everyone else is like, you are kind of nice to people. And I don’t lie. I am not going to try and steal. You kind of figure everybody’s like that and everybody wants to help. One of the women that replied to that Facebook post of mine, her mom is still sending money to a guy on an oil rig and she can’t get her mom to stop. So what you guys are doing, this program hopefully will really help. There are lonely ladies out there who are just certain that George is going to come off the oil rig and make ’em happy and

Beau Friedlander:

Well, if George is making her happy by letting her send money, and it’s not putting her in the poor house. Part of me just says, go ahead. But the thing, I actually have a follow-up question to something Adam said, which is true of these particular scams. Did the gentleman, your Paramore, did he move quickly or was it a very slow courtship? It sounded like it wasn’t so fast. It just sounded like he shifted quickly to a familiar sort of intimacy. Yeah,

Mary J. White:

It was courting for about a week, and then he went to Dubai. And as he was in Dubai, it was very courting. But I think the whole thing was really about from beginning to end about three and a half weeks. And it would’ve been shorter if I’d called him on his bull sooner.

Beau Friedlander:

Did you ever get to the point of sexting with this individual? Was it always very gentleman?

Mary J. White:

Yeah, it was. Which is weird because I’m a big fan of the Dirty gif.

Beau Friedlander:

I figured, I was wondering, what were you still doing there? I thought, why were you there, Mary?

Adam Levin:

I know, but it’s seems like not your kind of guy. Yeah. It’s also, it’s surprising that he actually called you because generally they don’t do that. That’s right. That’s right. They don’t want to out themselves early as being, let’s say, far younger than you think they are, or they don’t speak as eloquently as you think they might, especially if they’re a sort of world renowned doctor, mass general.

Mary J. White:

And when he called, that was my first thing, and he called twice until I said, the connections are too bad, don’t call me. But he didn’t sound like an older doctor from Massachusetts.

Adam Levin:

It may be that he felt you were kind of starting to slip away, so he had to do something maybe dramatic to kind of lure you back in.

Beau Friedlander:

Yeah. Did he ask if he could buy your book?

Mary J. White:


Beau Friedlander:

What a jerk. What

Mary J. White:


Beau Friedlander:


Adam Levin:

Yeah. What was he thinking?

Beau Friedlander:

I’m curious. What is, I would like to look at your book. What is your book? Well, there’s

Mary J. White:

Two of them. First book is Every Day, Mary J, because my name is Mary J. White in Real Life, and Mary J, also known as cannabis. So that was my first book, and that’s on my website, Mary j The second one is the CBD Cookbook for Beginners, and that’s on Amazon. And the one I’m working on is Effortless Edibles, but I’m still working on that. So yeah,

Beau Friedlander:

I hear your question. Oh, sorry Adam.

Adam Levin:

Your next book should also be How to Avoid a

Beau Friedlander:


Adam Levin:

With Weed, because you got a good story here.

Mary J. White:

Well, yeah, actually, a compilation of those stories would be awesome if they could have have good either solutions or revenge addendums. You guys should do that.

Adam Levin:

Revenge addendum’s, not

Beau Friedlander:

Idea. It’s a great idea. But the people that try to catfish me, they always are just wearing a bikini and they say, Hey, as if that’s all I need, like, oh, bikini.

Mary J. White:

Hey, because I’m a guy and I cant control myself. Oh God. A boner, I mean,

Beau Friedlander:

Yeah, it’s pretty.

Adam Levin:

Come on. Well, both, they’re wearing a bikini, but they have very long beards and they’re bald. Oh God,

Beau Friedlander:

That was just not true or nice.

Mary J. White:

Whatever you’re into Bo is fine. Really?

Beau Friedlander:

No, I mean, hey, it wasn’t the beard I objected to. It was just, I don’t know the assumption. It

Adam Levin:

Wasn’t the consenting small animals, so that was important. That’s a

Beau Friedlander:


Mary J. White:

Wow. But no, I get what you’re saying though, that the assumption that just because you’re male, the mere sight of female pulse ude is going to make you lose your mind and send the money. Come

Beau Friedlander:

On, indeed. Come on, come on. Give me a break.

Mary J. White:

You’re smarter than

Beau Friedlander:

That. You got to at least bat your eyes or something.

Adam Levin:

It sure costs me a fortune in the old days. But anyway,

Beau Friedlander:


Travis Taylor:

I was about to say a big factor here is with dating sites that they have really bad security. In the case of Bumble, they exposed a hundred million of their users that was just left completely unprotected online.

Beau Friedlander:

Oh, crap. True. So

Travis Taylor:

What that means is if you’re looking to catfish someone, you can actually just go find all that data and then look for the likeliest targets.

Beau Friedlander:


Travis Taylor:


Adam Levin:

Then I guess they kind of bumbled that one, huh? Yeah.

Beau Friedlander:


Adam Levin:

Adam. But Mary, let me ask you, from your experience now, yes, right? If you sat down with a friend of yours and your friend was saying, I’ve gone on social media and I really like this guy. He’s pretty awesome. Based on what you’ve been through now, what would you tell him?

Mary J. White:

If you really like him, first of all, the minute he asks for money, I’m just going to say walk. If you have not met him in person, you don’t know this guy, walk the fuck away. If you still really like him, you’re being a dumb, but if you really still like him,

Forget spend 1999 and go on one of those background check things. I actually did that with a man I was dating right when I first got separated. And oh, Lord Jesus, there were felonies and bad things on there. So that can be helpful if you like ’em enough to spend 20 bucks. But honestly, I have found, and no offense, because all y’all are boys, men, males, but men are renewable resource ladies. And if this one is in any remote way, not making your panties soggy, walk away, get a new one, about 4 billion of them out there, that would be,

Adam Levin:

And then Bo and I are wasting resources. So I mean, hey, Travis is a young guy, but

Beau Friedlander:

The rest of this work for yourself. I don’t know, man.

Mary J. White:

You both got it going on,

Beau Friedlander:

Baby. Hey, I resemble your comment about being a diamond dozen, but I’m not wasting,

Travis Taylor:

I’ve been off the market since 1999, so,

Beau Friedlander:

Wow. So Travis, I have a question for you. Sure. I am guessing in your voluminous brain pan, you have some knowledge as to why catfishing is called catfishing.

Travis Taylor:

Yeah. It’s funny because I think a lot of people assume it’s some sort of weird older thing, like a Louisiana Bayou based scam or something like that. But the term catfishing didn’t actually come about until 2010 with a documentary called Catfish. It got more popular because there’s a TV show on MTV in 2012 called Catfishing. But it’s a recent term,

Beau Friedlander:

And it’s all about that. And that is what it’s always about, is tricking people into love.

Adam Levin:

We also have to talk about the other side of the coin, and that is that there was a scam that was uncovered a couple years ago where a mother-daughter team operating out of Colorado was catfishing. All sorts of women masquerading as if they were lonely soldiers deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mary J. White:

That’s terrible. That’s terrible.

Adam Levin:


Mary J. White:

Well, and wouldn’t you say the same thing for men then? Because you guys get catfished probably more than we do, and I think if people are honest, just be either a sugar daddy or a sugar baby, just be honest. But

Adam Levin:

You mean Margo, Robbie really didn’t want to go out with me. No. Sweet.

Mary J. White:

Didn’t I shot? She didn’t. She was busy,

Beau Friedlander:

Mary. She was busy, but too, I mean, Adam was right about me. I’m actually just too tired to get catfish these days. And also I’m quite happy with my partner. That’s the other part of it.

Mary J. White:

See, and that’s the main thing.

Beau Friedlander:

But I mean, even if I weren’t, can’t imagine. It seems like a lot of energy to get. That’s,

Mary J. White:

I know, doesn’t it? I mean it does. Why don’t you put that much energy?

Beau Friedlander:

But I’ve been dating, and I know that’s part of dating is just a huge expenditure of energy.

Adam Levin:

There have been gold diggers for years, men and women who are out there doing so just think of these as digital gold diggers.

Mary J. White:


Adam Levin:

That’s what it’s all

Mary J. White:

About. Fair enough. And don’t give your money.

Adam Levin:


Beau Friedlander:

Don’t do it. And also, by the way, I think people should, in these platforms where there’s so much dating happening, maybe it’s time for everyone just to go Dutch

Mary J. White:

So that there’s no

Beau Friedlander:

Question about this sort of thing. But anyway, I am looking forward to looking at your books because I don’t partake in weed, but I’m very curious about your stuff. And CBDI do believe really does work.

Mary J. White:

Get the CBD cookbook. It’s really good if I do say so myself. Alright, I’ll check it out.

Beau Friedlander:

So that is C, BD for beginners? Correct. The

Mary J. White:

CBD with CCB Cookbook, the CBD cookbook for Beginners.

Beau Friedlander:

Excellent. Amazon.

Adam Levin:

And I’m really excited. We now have a new business concept, which is basically digital Dutch dating.

Mary J. White:

Yes. We’re not quite sure how we’re going to implement it, but you get on it and it’s going to be

Adam Levin:

Awesome. Oh, Beau’s partner is Dutch.

Mary J. White:

Oh, well, it’s perfect then.

Beau Friedlander:

Yeah. Yeah. And we do go Dutch, but I don’t know. We’ll have to think of something here. Maybe the clogs, the wooden clog. Oh God. Anyway.

Adam Levin:

Anyway, Mary, this was awesome. I mean, really awesome. Thank you. And we truly appreciate you sharing your story. Again, the important thing with catfishing victimization, which is what it is, but looks like you actually became the victor on this one, is that so many people don’t want to talk about it. And I had a case once involving a company value stone, where we had a nice lady who was willing to go on and talk about it, and then her daughters convinced her not to do it because they felt that it would be too embarrassing for her to talk about. So it’s very important to talk about this. It’s very important for people to understand that this happens a lot, a lot. And that the victors are the people who are willing to say, I made a mistake and or I didn’t fall for it, and here’s why. You shouldn’t fall for it, and here’s what you should be doing in order to make sure that you don’t fall for it.

Mary J. White:


Beau Friedlander:


Mary J. White:

Good job, you guys. Well, I just hope people listen and it can help because it breaks my heart to think that ladies are giving away money to men who aren’t real.

Beau Friedlander:

And vice versa.

Mary J. White:

And vice versa. Vice. Absolutely. Yes.

Beau Friedlander:

Thank you, Mary.

Mary J. White:

Mary, it

Beau Friedlander:

Was really a pleasure to meet you. You showed me that we can use tons and tons of swear words on this podcast and still have fun. Oh, good.

Mary J. White:

I live to serve, man. That’s what I do.

Adam Levin:

There you go.